Herein is the danger of how statistics are presented.
The first question you should ask is - sure, the death rate might be down, but now ask, why is it down and is the occurance rate down?
Now, let's read on:
"The group found that during 2001 through 2004, breast cancer diagnoses fell by an average of 3.7 percent a year -- in part because women stopped taking hormone replacement therapy and in part because fewer got mammograms and therefore were not diagnosed."
Now, the very valuable nugget of information - Notice the statement - "women stopped taking hormone replacement therapy." Now ask yourself the question - where else (and for what else) are women subjected to (and prescribed) hormone therapy? I would hope by now you've stumbled upon birth control as one answer. In fact, something as dangerous as "hormone control" (aka - birth control) is often prescribed for, something as easy to address with diet, such as better complexion. Clearly there is a place and time when hormone therapy could be helpful to good health, but if you have a healthy body always start with nutrition and environment before resorting to chemistry altering medications.
Think of it like this - Our daily lives are impacted much too often by chemical toxins (some are positioned as medications and some even masquerading as foods). The bottom line, these chemicals alter the delicate balance of our body chemistry. This constant barrage of low-level toxins creates micro illnesses which eventually surface. Sometimes it's as simple as a headache, acne or itchy skin, and sometimes as critical as cancer, heart disease, or irreversible neurological disorder. The pharma community statistically uses the effects of this endless barrage of data to cloud the outcome of cause whenever possible. Let's face it - if you hit the body with 100 or so toxins a day how can you possible pin anything on any one of them?
Now ask yourself these questions. Is my long-term quality of life worth a few moments of guiltless pleasure? Are their safer, more natural, ways to address my complexion woes? Are there other non-chemistry-altering birth control alternatives?
When was the last time you heard of birth control hormone altering meds for men? Sure, they exist but they've not been approved to go main stream and there is a reason for that.
If you would like to read the entire article you may do so here:
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